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Amesbury Jets Football and Cheer By-laws

– adopted 3/26/2013


The organization shall be known as the Amesbury Jets Football and Cheer. 


The organization shall comprise the Amesbury Jets Football and Cheer Board of Directors, coaches, football players and cheerleaders. 



The purpose of the organization is to provide the youth of Amesbury and the surrounding towns with football & cheer knowledge through good coaching, practice and games.  To promote teamwork, good sportsmanship and physical fitness.  The Amesbury Jets shall provide the means to do so by organizing the daily operations, fundraising, coaching selections and logistics involved with putting together each season, in accordance with the Cape Ann Youth Football League (CAYFL) for football and Massachusetts Youth Cheer Alliance (MYCA) for cheer. 

ARTICLE IV:  Membership Eligibility 

A. All football participants must meet CAYFL guidelines, as put forth in the CAYFL bylaws, in regards to playing levels. All cheer participants must meet all MYCA guidelines, as put forth in MYCA by-laws, in regards to playing levels. 

A, JVA & B team participants must be in 7th or 8th grade and be no older than 14 years of age, as of September 1st of the playing year 

C & JVC team participants must be in the 5th or 6th grade and no older than 12 years of age, as of September 1st of the playing year 

D team participants must be in 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade and be no older than 10 years of age, as of   September 1st of the playing year 

MASCOTS (CHEER ONLY) participants must be in Kindergarten to 2nd Grade and no older than 7 years of age, as of September 1 st of the playing year.

B. Participants must be physically fit.  In cases of disability or injury, a physician’s certification will be required 

C. All forms required by the Amesbury Jets, CAYFL, and MYCA must be signed by parent or guardian.

D. All participants must follow the rules set forth by the Amesbury Jets Board and coaches.

E. All participants must have played two full seasons, including 8th grade, for eligibility for and Amesbury Jets graduation gift 



It is the joint responsibility of the coaches and Jets’ Board to ensure that all members are properly equipped and that any equipment that is deemed unsafe be removed and replaced immediately.  The coaches shall keep equipment in good working order and report damaged or malfunctioning items to the Board.  Team issued equipment and uniforms shall not be worn outside of Jets’ functions, unless explicit instruction is given by the Board, under penalty of suspension.


1. All fundraising activities must have the approval of the Board, and all money raised and collected shall be turned into the Treasurer for accounting and deposit.

2. Any expenditures over $50.00 must be approved by the Board at regularly scheduled meetings and must be listed in the minutes, as  to the nature of the expenditure 

3. All withdrawals from the Jets’ bank account will require signature of at least two of the following officers: 

  • Treasurer 

  • President 

  • Vice President, signors to be determined by the Board 



1. The Board of Directors shall consist of Nine voting members, as follows:
1. President

2. Vice President
3. Treasurer
4. Secretary
5. Cheer Director
and four general members of various roles depending on the needs of the Jets organization

2. The Board will make all decisions regarding the operation, business and well being of the Jets, to promote a better organization for the players and the community 

3. A quorum of at least five members is needed to conduct Jets’ business 

4. Selection of vacant Board seats are to be filled by the current Board with candidates that would be of sound judgment and quality of character, such as to keep the nest interest of the organization in mind, so that the sole purpose of its existence can continue on.  Nominated candidates shall provide a letter of interest and be voted on by the current Board 

5. Election of officers shall take place every year at a meeting designated at the end of the playing season.  All Board members are eligible for any office 

6. Motions presented by any member must be seconded and discussed before voted upon.  Non‐ voting members may participate in discussion, if present.  All voting members will have one vote.   Simple majority will rule, except as may be defined elsewhere in these Bylaws 

7. Any number of non‐voting members can be invited by the Board to participate in activities, as required 



1. President 

a. Shall preside over all scheduled meetings (if both President and Vice President are unavailable, meeting will be rescheduled) 

b. Shall determine where and when the monthly Board meetings are to be held 

c. Shall represent the Jets as Football Commission in the CAYFL 

d. Shall oversee the Disciplinary Committee ‐ Shall confer with coaches, when disciplinary action is requested  and make a ruling for action, up to the limits set forth in Article IX 

e. Shall be responsible for marketing and representation of the Jets’ brand 

f. Shall represent the Jets to any external media or events 

g. Shall be the point person for Jets’ communications 


2. Vice President

a. Shall attend all scheduled meetings (if both President and Vice President are unavailable, meeting will be rescheduled) 

b. Shall, in the absence of the President, preside over meetings 

c. Shall represent the Jets at CAYFL meetings, should the President be unavailable 

d. Manage day to day practice activities (coaches' liason, field location by team, cancellations, etc) e. Lead Home Game Day Activities (opening/closing stadium activities, garbage collection, etc) f. Shall oversee the coaches’ selection committee 

3. Treasurer 

a. Shall attend all scheduled meetings 

b. Shall provide status of accounts at monthly meetings 

c. Provide financial support for all activities, providing banks/change 

d. Shall co‐lead Tag Day and ensure all registration fees are paid 

e. Shall manage  the Jets’ Hardship Process 

f. Shall maintain all Jets Financial Records, Permits, Insurances, and non‐profit status
g. Shall be responsible for payment of all bills and taxes, game officials, etc 

h. Shall manage all Jets’ bank accounts 

4. Secretary 

a. Shall attend all scheduled meetings 

b. Shall maintain Board meeting minutes and distributes to Board members in a timely manner
c. Shall maintain record of completed player forms, documents used, written events of the season and team records, in a comprehensive end of the year document 

d. Shall manage Jets’ website content 

e. Shall schedule and manage offseason registration events 

f. Shall provide marketing support, as needed 

g. Shall be responsible for the management of the Jets’ game day concessions 

5. Board Members 

a. Shall attend all scheduled meetings 

b. Perform duties, as needed, for the operation of the league.  These duties will change and will be decided upon for each standing Board member position prior to each season (see exhibit 1)
c. Responsibly carry out the duties of the office, ensuring the welfare and betterment of the organization 

d. Voting Board members that are deemed by a Board majority to not be actively participating may be subject of Board discussions to determine their continuing participation in the Board as a voting member 

      All Board members will make the effort to attend meetings, but must notify the President and/or Board members of unforeseen schedule conflicts, as early  as possible to the meeting date and time. 



 Upon recommendation of suspension of more than one week by a coach or President, the matter shall be reviewed by the Board for any further action.  The parents of the offender will be notified prior to the meeting. The head coach or President may authorize a suspension of up to one week for infractions.



1. An amendment to the By-laws must be proposed at a general meeting in writing.   The proposal shall be noted and carried over to the next meeting.  If no changes are made to the proposal as read, it may be voted on at this meeting.  If changes are made, it must be carried over to the next meeting, as amended 

2. A simple majority vote of the Board shall be needed to pass the amendment.  The President will only vote in the event of a tie 

3. If passed, the amendment shall be then added to the Bylaws, and any changes in the existing Bylaws made necessary, shall be initiated henceforth

Field Status

Open Open

AMS Landry Stadium (08:54 AM | 09/03/21)

Open Open

North Reading High School (09:06 AM | 09/08/21)

Open Open

Manchester/Essex High School (09:08 AM | 09/08/21)

Open Open

Blocksidge Field Swampscott (09:19 AM | 09/08/21)

Open Open

Field 1 (09:23 AM | 09/08/21)

Open Open

Winthrop High School (09:27 AM | 09/08/21)

Open Open

Field 1 (09:27 AM | 09/08/21)

Open Open

Boxford Common Masconomet (09:29 AM | 09/08/21)

Open Open

Field 1 (09:29 AM | 09/08/21)

Open Open

Swampscott Blocksidge Field (10:23 AM | 08/29/22)

Open Open

Lynnfield High School (10:24 AM | 08/29/22)

Open Open

Field 1 (01:15 PM | 09/04/22)

Open Open

Marblehead Hopkins Field Village School (01:22 PM | 09/04/22)

Open Open

Field 1 (01:22 PM | 09/04/22)

Open Open

Gloucester High School (01:33 PM | 09/04/22)

Open Open

Field 1 (01:33 PM | 09/04/22)

Open Open

Danvers High School (01:56 PM | 09/04/22)

Open Open

Field 1 (01:56 PM | 09/04/22)

Open Open

Ipswich High School (01:57 PM | 09/04/22)

Open Open

Field 1 (01:57 PM | 09/04/22)